I ran across this verse in Isaiah a few months ago and have felt the past 2 weeks that God has really put it on my heart to memorize and keep these as a promise for the delivery of our baby.
Isaiah 66:9
"Do I bring to the moment of birth
and not give delivery?" says the LORD.
"Do I close up the womb
when I bring to delivery?" says your God.
We have had beautiful experiences delivering both of our babies. But I would definitely say that the pushing-phase of delivery has been frustrating and difficult for both. Both pushing experiences have lasted approximately 2 hours (Andrew a little less, Luke a little more) with Luke being face-up and very difficult to get out.
So anyway.... I think that God wants me to just believe that He is the One Who Delivers these babies. And it's in His time and His way.
Agree with us on this and please pray that we would just trust Him to bring our baby girl out when the moment is right...no excessive "trying," no frustration...just patience and trust.
Pursuing Dreams
1 year ago