Thursday, October 8, 2009

99 Days to Go!

For some reason, it seems note-worthy to say that we have less than 100 days to go before meeting our baby girl....and today my countdown above says we have 99 days to go!

Some of you are asking if we have a name. No we don't. We have 3-5 names we keep playing around with. They are mostly based upon things we feel about this baby. Here's a few:

We think this baby girl is going to bring our family LIGHT. As we've prayed for her, it's just a theme in scripture that we keep seeing. Here are a few to share:
Isaiah 60:19
"The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you. For the Lord will be your everlasting Light, and your God will be your glory."

Ephesians 5:8-14 ish
" you are light in the Lord: live as children of light (for the fruit of the light consists in all goodness, righteousness and truth) and find out what pleases the Lord. Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them...everything exposed by the light becomes visible for it is light that makes everything visible."

So we think our girl is a bearer of light from God...this is based entirely on what we hear in prayer. We believe that she will usher in more of God's goodness and righteousness with her light. She'll clarify and illuminate truth. This leads us to look for some names that mean light/torch/brightness/goodness/truth but so far, we have yet to settle on a favorite.

Other than names, we're feeling excited...getting rooms ready, picking out girly clothes and just generally preparing our home. I feel good - just a few minor pains pop up when I exercise. She moves around a LOT!

If you want to pray for us, you can pray for these things:
  • That God would tell us her name.
  • That our family and our marriage would be unified by her arrival.
  • That our delivery experience will be beautiful: that I will go into labor naturally, progress well and push for less than 15 minutes.
  • That she will be completely healthy, strong and peaceful.
  • That our breastfeeding connection will be strong and immediate.
  • That our doctor and nurses will be the right team to care for us in the hospital and that, if possible, our desire is for Dr Fitzgerald or Dr Wendel to deliver us.
  • That our boys will welcome and love their baby sister. That their friendship as brothers will grow during this time.
  • That no isolation or despair will try to settle on us in the first few months of her life when things are tough and adjustments are being made. That instead, as we feel God has promised, this time will be filled with LIGHT, community and love.

Thanks for all your prayers for our baby girl. 99 days to go.


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

I love all of this! Will definitely be praying for you all.

Interesting that for our baby girl we are hearing similar things. The repeated theme we have heard through our own prayer time and through community is that this daughter of ours is going to bring "light or illumination". Interesting that both our girls are being spoken of in this way and their births will be literally days/a week a part. We'll have to ask more on that :)

Alli said...

Tricia - wow. That is pretty unbelievable. I've one theory that I'll run by you in person based on some scripture I received the other day. Has to do with the "bright morning star." Can't wait to talk more!
Very cool.

Anonymous said...

I am praying friend... and SO, INCREDIBLY excited for you.

Alli said...

Thanks Amy! Do you know yet when you all might be coming to the states for a visit next year so you could meet her?!