I'm a student again.
I've just enrolled in the Masters of Divinty program at Cincinnati Bible Seminary. I'm waiting on my official admission acceptance, but they've allowed me to go ahead and enroll in my class for this semester. (I'm taking that as a positive sign).
If you're an avid reader of my blog (I think there are 1 or 2 of you out there!) then you know that I really want to learn the Bible in a deeper way. And the Seminary is teaching what I want to learn. I never imagined I'd end up there but honestly it feels really right. If you're interested in more about why I'm going, let me know and I'll send you my essay I wrote for admission! (It's a good, short read!).
I'm going to pursue a concentration in Biblical Studies. I don't care much about any of the courses involving vocational ministries (think family ministry, children's ministries, church planting/leadership, etc). I'm after deeper knowledge of the Bible. The only part I'm not looking forward to is the 12 hours of Greek or Hebrew that I'll eventually have to take!
This will be slow-going. I'm not anxious for a degree. I just want to start learning more. I'm literally doing one class at a time. 75 hours takes a long time that way but I don't care. My first one is called "Old Testament Foundations." Wooohooo! Just what I want. (Seriously - that wasn't a joke).
This is going to be interesting...the admissions assistant already used about 3 terms in our conversation that I didn't understand about the online components of the classes (what's a moodle?!). Anyway - I guess it HAS been 11 years since I graduated. I even remember getting on some crazy thing called "the internet" when I was a freshman in college. My my how things have changed.
Wish me luck in my first class. I'm sure I'll be posting more about this new adventure.
Alli~ I am so excited to read about this!! YES! YES! YES! This feels so very right!
I would LOVE to read your admissions letter... heck, I think you should post it. And... I'm one of the (2) avid blog readers of yours ;-)
I would love to read your essay as well...it's been a while and I'd love to get the boys together sometime!
Looking forward to learning from more of your wisdom!
So excited for you and this endeavor of learning!!! And I agree - post your admissions statement or send it my way, because I want to read it :)
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