Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Grace update

So here's an update after a couple days...

Sunday...the "thing" I mentioned in my last post that I wanted to do was to send an apology to someone from a long time ago. I saw his name on a friend's Facebook page and remembered what a jerk I was to him on a team I worked on way back at P&G. (I am tempted here to tell you all the things that made him so annoying to me at the time). But the truth is that I was a jerk...I made him uncomfortable and certainly did not do anything to encourage or support him. I figured if I wanted to receive the grace of forgiveness, then I need to apologize when it's appropriate. So I did. I sent a short, but totally honest apology for being the aforementioned jerk. No word yet. Maybe never will hear back from him. But I meant it from my heart. And I forgave myself in the process, so that's some grace received anyway.

Monday... received what I'll call "go for it" grace. I found myself wanting a workout but have been hesitant to take all 3 kids to the Healthplex childcare in the narrow windows of time between naps and feedings. But I went for it and it felt good to try something new. We were 20 minutes late for my "baby reservation" but I got 30 minutes on the treadmill. Good enough!

Tuesday...received the blessing of a babysitter for one hour in the morning. Took a walk and a shower.

I think sometimes I hold myself back from receiving blessings that are just sitting there waiting for me... a workout, a babysitter. I like the idea of "go for it" grace...I think God is going "hello Alli...would you just go for it and let me bless you?!"

Lastly - I've intentionally remembered and told God some of the ways that I remember being/feeling/experiencing when I first came to know Him. It's been fun and inspiring just to remember His goodness and grace to me then. I hope to receive some of that stuff anew.

We'll see what tomorrow brings!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I"m really enjoying your adventure with grace... keep sharing!!