So I had this dream the other night:
I'm in a downtown area, walking back to my hotel. In the dream my view is through my own eyes...and I can barely see. I can make out hazy blacks and grays but not much else. I felt helpless and was trying hard to see when I just couldn't. I then enter an area that, as best I can describe, would be a maze-like downtown "skywalk" that connected buildings in a downtown area. I am definitely becoming lost. I'm in an area between 2 hotels and pass some hotel workers. I can see a little more clearly inside than I could outside. One of the workers is nice to me and agrees to show me back through the maze to my hotel room. I feel grateful. And in the background of the dream, this whole time, these words to Amazing Grace are being sung throughout this dream:
"Amazing grace how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me. I once was lost but now am found: was blind but now I see.
Through many dangers, toils and snares we have already come. But He has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home."
Thoughts anyone?
Pursuing Dreams
1 year ago
Been thinking a lot about Ephesians 2 this week as I watch two very good friends be "found". I love being reminded that we were totally dead before our rescue. This dream reminds me of that section of scripture.
hmmm... I don't imply any deeper meaning, but I'll share the thoughts I had as I was reading:
- A hotel is a temporary home. A comfortable spot but intended to meet a temporary need.
- The tunnels made me think "she's protected from the elements" even if she's lost. There's security there, even if the "system" is confusing.
- When we can't see but someone is guiding us- every single small step feels like huge trust.
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