Sunday, March 29, 2009

Stitched together in unity

On Sunday morning I asked God to give me a picture of "the Church" in my mind. I just wanted to hear Him speak to me and I wanted to understand the Church better somehow. I closed my eyes and waited. And a few seconds later I saw a picture of a quilt. Not exactly like this one -- but close...lots of colors, fragments (almost scrap-like), but sewn together in a quilt that was quite pretty. It didn't have the strong lines of this quilt or a border but it was just as colorful.

I got tears in my eyes almost immediately. About 2 years ago I was in a meeting and people were sharing what they imagined about the Holy Spirit. I said (out of "nowhere" that I thought the Holy Spirit was like fine stitches....a sewer. I honestly did not know why I'd said it - wasn't sure I even had a strong feeling that it was true. But out it popped from my mouth. I kind of linked it to the scripture in Psalm 139 "you hem me in behind and before.."I had never forgotten this.

So when God showed me a picture of a quilt, I immediately understood that the thing that ties together the loose scraps of communities of believers all over the world is the Holy Spirit! The Holy Spirit sews and stitches t5ogether the Church -- the Church which might appear as loose scraps actually becomes both beautiful and functional through the work of the Holy Spirit.

And God knew that I would recognize this in what He said to me...baked-in encouragement that I hear His voice. I've been asking-for and needing this kind of encouragement lately. This was just a clear example of his kindness to me.


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

I got your message & I am freaking out! I hadn't even read this post! That is so awesome! I LOVE how the Lord speaks to His kids in unison. It really is confirmation that He's doing His thing...Wow!

Anonymous said...

This is beautiful. I love this imagery of the church... and His stitching through the Holy Spirit.