Sunday, February 22, 2009

Out of the mouth of babes...

It's hilarious to talk God and Jesus with a 3 year old. There are moments like tonight when you just have to laugh and move on. And there are moments when I think "did he really just say what I think he said?!" Here's a few of my favorites!
  • (Tonight) "Mommy - I'm going to be a teacher for you about Jesus. Give me the glue."
  • (We're in the car listening to Christmas carols LAST year (he was barely 2 at the time) and O Holy Night came on). "Mommy - this song is about joy."
  • (About a friend's little girl who has cancer) "Jesus - we want you to heal Keira and also bring her comfort with hot chocolate and peanut butter crackers."
  • (On a night when I was really struggling...I asked him if he would pray for mommy) "God please come and be with my mommy and give her a big hug."
  • "Go away Jesus!" (What he was trying to say to a dog that scared him was "Jesus says you have to go away!")
  • (In answer to me asking if he wants to thank Jesus for our dinner) "Nope."
  • "Can I ask Jesus if He can take Luke away?"

I'm sure there are more... I'll try to do little posts when they happen -- they're usually just so good. Feel free to post anything your kids have said...I'd love to read 'em.


Ross & Tricia McLain said...

I love this!

My little one and i don't have these fun conversations...yet! I can't wait!

My nephew (Kameron-3 years old) and I do. He teaches me so much about child-like faith. For instance, we are driving in the car and I am randomly talking outloud to God (I think I was lost). So here is our conversation:

Kameron: Aunt Tricia, are you talking to me?

Me: Oh no, Kameron, I was talking to God.

Kameron: Oh... Well I want to talk to God too.

Me: Great! Go ahead and talk to God.

Kameron: What do I say?

Me: You just tell Him what you are thinking about. It is nothing fancy, just whatever you want to talk to Him about.

Kameron: Hi God! It is me, Kameron...... (long pause).....
Aunt Tricia, God isn't talking back to me.

Me: Well Kameron alot of the times God doesn't talk like "we" talk. He talks in our hearts. We have to listen for Him.

Kameron: Oh, yeah, I know that. Hey God, it is me Kameraon again. I just am having the best day! Did you like my picture I drew?.....(pause)....(he continues on as though God answers)...i knew you would God. It is what you made first, I just love to draw what you make.

Children teach me so much about God! They just seem to get Him & have no problem receiving Him. Kameron has never questioned again about God talking back to Him. He actually talks outloud to God all the time. He tells me about it. I just know that He really does hear God. Beautiful, isn't it?

Anonymous said...

I totally, TOTALLY loved this!!

Krissy said...

What happened with the glue? I love it. I love your boys.

This story from Kameron is so good too - I love the "I drew what you made, God" part. So sweet.